asp, AdRotator, banners
'(1) AD ROTATOR COMPONENT (ADROT.TXT) Redirect /adredir.asp Width 230 Height 45 Border 0 * images/banner1.gif http://www.test1.com Test 1 33 images/banner2.gif http://www.test2.com Test 2 33 images/banner3.gif http://www.test3.org Test 3 33
'(2) AD ROTATOR COMPONENT (ADREDIR.ASP) <% Response.Buffer = True
Dim m_sURL m_sURL = Request("url") Response.Redirect(m_sURL) %>
'(3) AD ROTATOR COMPONENT (ADPAGE.ASP) <% Dim m_oAdRotator Set m_oAdRotator = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.AdRotator") m_oAdRotator.TargetFrame = "TARGET=new" Set m_oAdRotator = Nothing %>
<%= m_oAdRotator.GetAdvertisement("adrot.txt") %>
Application Object
asp, application object
<% Dim f_sCompanyName : f_sCompanyName = Application("CompanyName") %>
Array: Check if Empty
asp, array, empty check
Dim f_aArr(2)
f_bFound = False
For i = 0 To Ubound(f_aArr)
If f_aArr(i) <> "" Then
f_bFound = True
Exit For
End If
If Not f_bFound Then
Response.Write("Empty Array")
Response.Write("Not Empty")
End If
Array: Count Elements
asp, array, count
If IsArray(f_aArr) = False Then
f_iVar = 0
f_iVar = (UBound(f_aArr) - LBound(f_aArr)) + 1
End If
Array: Display Content
asp, array, display
<% Dim f_sNames : f_sNames = "Adam, Bill, Charlie" f_sNameArray = split(f_sNames, ",")
For i = 0 To Ubound(f_sNameArray) Response.Write(f_sNameArray(i) & "<br>") Next %>
Array: Replace
asp, array, replace
'Check text for URLs and make them clickable
Dim f_sTextBody : f_sTextBody = "Here is a link - www.test.com."
f_sArray = Split(f_sTextBody, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(f_sArray)
If Lcase(Left(f_sArray(i), 7)) = "http://" Then
f_sArray(i) = "<a href='" & f_sArray(i) & "'>" & _
f_sArray(i) & "</a>"
End If
If Lcase(Left(f_sArray(i), 3)) = "www" Then
f_sArray(i) = "<a href='http://" & f_sArray(i) & "'>" & _
f_sArray(i) & "</a>"
End If
f_sTextBody = Join(f_sArray, " ")
Array: Word Count
asp, array, word count, UBound, split
Function GetWordCount(var)
GetWordCount = UBound(Split(var, " ", -1, 1)) + 1
End Function
asp, http object
<% Sub WebServ_Login() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Calls login web service using ASPHTTP. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim f_oASPHTTP
Set f_oASPHTTP = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn") f_oASPHTTP.Url = "http://www.website.com/Interact.asp?F=Login&User=jsmith&Password=222222" f_oASPHTTP.RequestMethod = "Get"
Response.Write f_oASPHTTP.GetURL
Set f_oASPHTTP = Nothing End Sub %>
Authentication: Simple Login
asp, authentication, simple login
' login.asp
<form method="post" action="verify.asp"> <table> <tr> <td>User Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="username" size="20" maxlength="20"></td> <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type="password" name="password" size="20" maxlength="20"></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Login!"></td></tr> </table> </form>
<% ' verify.asp Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objCon.Open "cjDSN"
sqlString = "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE " & "username='" & Trim(Request.Form("username")) & "' AND " & "password='" & Trim(Request.Form("password")) & "' " Set RS = objCon.Execute(sqlString)
If RS.EOF Then Session("Authenticated") = 0 Response.Redirect ("login.asp") Else Session("Authenticated") = 1 Response.Redirect ("index.asp") End If
RS.Close objCon.Close
Set RS = Nothing Set objCon = Nothing %>
<% ' includelogin.asp If Session("Authenticated") = 0 Then Response.Redirect ("login.asp") End If %>
Authentication: Simple Login: No DB
asp, authentication, simple login, no DB
<% ' includelogin.asp
Function ValidateLogin(sId, sPwd) ValidateLogin = False If sId = "admin" And sPwd="admin" Then ValidateLogin = True ElseIf sId = "demo" And sPwd="12345" Then ValidateLogin = True End If End Function
Dim sText, fBack fBack = False If Request.Form("dologin") = "yes" Then IF ValidateLogin(Request.Form("id"), Request.Form("pwd")) = True Then fBack = True Session("logonid") = Request.Form("id") Else sText = "Wrong password or user id" End If Else If Session("logonid") <> "" Then fBack = True Else sText = "Please login" End If End If
If fBack = False Then Dim sURL sURL = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") If Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") <> "" Then sURL = sURL & "?" & Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") End If %> <form method="post" action="<%= sURL %>"> <table> <tr> <td>User Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="id" size="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type="password" name="pwd" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Login!"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><%= sText %></td> </tr> <input type="hidden" name="dologin" value="yes"> </table> </form> <% Response.End End If %>
Browser Hawk
asp, browser hawk, cyScape, cookies enabled, javascript enabled
<% Sub BrowserInfo_Get() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Grabs user browser info using BrowserHawk. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim f_oBrowserHawk Dim f_sVersion, f_sBrowser
Set f_oBrowserHawk = Server.CreateObject("cyScape.browserObj")
' (1) detect cookies enabled f_oBrowserHawk.CookieDetector "noredirect" If Not f_oBrowserHawk.CookiesEnabled Then If m_bAllow <> True Then Response.Redirect("feedback_nocookie.asp?Disabled=Cookies") Else m_sCookies = Get_Text(lang, "feedback_no") End If Else m_sCookies = Get_Text(lang, "feedback_yes") End If
' (2) detect java script f_oBrowserHawk.GetExtProperties If Not f_oBrowserHawk.JavascriptEnabled Then If m_bAllow <> True Then Response.Redirect("feedback_nocookie.asp?Disabled=JavaScript") Else m_sJavaScript = Get_Text(lang, "feedback_no") End If Else m_sJavaScript = Get_Text(lang, "feedback_yes") End If
' (3) detect browser f_sVersion = f_oBrowserHawk.Version f_sBrowser = f_oBrowserHawk.Browser m_sBrowserType = f_sBrowser & " " & f_sVersion
' (4) detect screen res m_sResWidth = f_oBrowserHawk.Width m_sResHeight = f_oBrowserHawk.Height ' (5) detect operating system m_sPlatform = f_oBrowserHawk.Platform ' (6) detect proxy m_bProxy = f_oBrowserHawk.Proxy ' (7) detect AOL m_bAOL = f_oBrowserHawk.Aol
' Dispose Set f_oBrowserHawk = Nothing End Sub %>
Browser: BrowsCap
asp, browser, BrowsCap, browser type, MSWC
<% Set f_oBC = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")
f_sBrowserName = f_oBC.browser f_sBrowserVersion = f_oBC.version f_sBrowserJavaScript = f_oBC.javascript f_sBrowserCookies = f_oBC.cookies f_sBrowserPlatform = f_oBC.platform
Set f_oBC = Nothing %>
asp, class, object
<% Option Explicit
Class Developer Private m_sName Private m_iAge Public Property Let Name(ByVal vNewValue) m_sName = (vNewValue) End Property Public Property Get Name() Name = m_sName End Property Public Property Let Age(ByVal vNewValue) m_iAge = (vNewValue) End Property Public Function Age_Days() On Error Resume Next Dim f_sDate : f_sDate = Date() Dim f_sBDay : f_sBDay = "08/18/" & Year(f_sDate) Dim f_iDiff : f_iDiff = DateDiff("d", f_sBDay, f_sDate) Age_Days = (m_iAge * 365) + Abs(f_iDiff) End Function End Class %>
<% Call Main()
Sub Main() Dim objDeveloper : Set objDeveloper = New Developer objDeveloper.Name = "Charles" objDeveloper.Age = 32 Response.Write(objDeveloper.Name) Response.Write("<br>") Response.Write(objDeveloper.Age_Days) End Sub %>
Cookies: List
asp, cookies, list
For Each cookie In Request.Cookies
Response.Write "<b>" & cookie & ": </b> " & Request.Cookies(cookie) & "<br>"
Cookies: Set/Get
asp, cookies
<% Response.Cookies("MyCookie") = "hello" Response.Cookies("MyCookie").Expires = Date + 365
f_sCookie = Request.Cookies("MyCookie") Response.Write f_sCookie %>
asp, CountryHawk, country
<% Function CountryInfo_Get() ' As String ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Grabs user country info using CountryHawk. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim f_oCountryHawk Dim f_sCountry
Set f_oCountryHawk = Server.CreateObject("cyScape.CountryObj") f_sCountry = f_oCountryHawk.CountryCode Select Case Ucase(f_sCountry) Case "TH", "VI", "RO", "MA", "VN", "LB", "PH", "ID", "PK", "NG" FraudCheck = " DISABLED" m_sFraudText = "Credit card payment type " &_ "available for U.S. orders only." m_sFraudRadio1 = "" m_sFraudRadio2 = "CHECKED" Case Else FraudCheck = "" m_sFraudText = "" m_sFraudRadio1 = "CHECKED" m_sFraudRadio2 = "" End Select CountryInfo_Get = f_sCountry
Set f_oCountryHawk = Nothing End Function %>
Data: Stored Procedure: DBInteraction
asp, data, stored procedure, DBInteraction, M2W
Function MemberOptionsSet(v_bKeepAttachments, v_bDelete_SentItems) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Sets Member Options in tbl_mem_MemberOptions. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' f_iMemberID = g_oIMDB.getcookie(Request("GUID"), "MemberID") ' Object Set f_oDBInteract = Server.CreateObject("DBINteraction.StoredProc") ' Method Call f_oDBInteract.Execute("MemberOptionsSet", f_iRet, f_iMemberID, _ v_bKeepAttachments, v_bDelete_SentItems) If f_iRet <> 0 Then MemberOptionsSet = False Else MemberOptionsSet = True End If
Set f_oDBInteract = Nothing End Function
Function MemberOptionsGet(v_bKeepAttachments, v_bDelete_SentItems) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Gets Member Options from tbl_mem_MemberOptions. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' f_iMemberID = g_oIMDB.getcookie(Request("GUID"), "MemberID") ' Object Set f_oDBInteract = Server.CreateObject("DBINteraction.StoredProc")
' Method Set f_oRst = f_oDBInteract.Execute("MemberOptionsGet", f_iRet, f_iMemberID) If f_iRet <> 0 Then MemberOptionsGet = False Else MemberOptionsGet = True v_bKeepAttachments = f_oRst.fields("KeepAttachments") v_bDelete_SentItems = f_oRst.fields("Delete_SentItems") End If Set f_oRst = Nothing Set f_oDBInteract = Nothing End Function
Database: Access ODBC
asp, Access, ODBC, connection string
<% f_sConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=c:\mydatabase.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=111111;" %>
Database: Command Object
asp, database, command object
<% Dim f_oCommand Dim f_sConnString
Set f_oCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") f_sConnString = "DSN=myDSN"
With f_oCommand .ActiveConnection = f_sConnString .CommandText = "usp_UpdatePrices" .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter (@Type, adVarWChar, adParamInput, 12, strType) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter (@Max, adCurrency, adParamOutput) .Execute lngRecs, , adExecuteNoRecords End With
Set f_oCommand = Nothing %>
Database: DSN
asp, database, dsn
<% Dim f_oConn Dim f_sSQLString
Set f_oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") f_oConn.Open("myDSN")
f_sSQLString = "SELECT * FROM dotComFailures WHERE company = 'Pets.com'" f_oConn.Execute(strSQL)
f_oConn.Close Set f_oConn = Nothing %>
Database: DSN-less
asp, dsn-less, connection string
<% Dim f_oConn Dim f_sConnString Dim f_sSQLString
Set f_oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") f_sConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; dbq=e:\websites\admin\store.mdb" f_oConn.Open(f_sConnString)
f_sSQLString = "INSERT INTO products (product_id, product_price) VALUES ('test002', 24.55)" f_oConn.Execute(f_sSQLString)
f_oConn.Close Set f_oConn = Nothing %>
Database: Filter
asp, database, filter, recordset
<% Dim f_oRS Dim f_sConnString Dim f_sSQLString
Set f_oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") f_sConnString = "DSN=myDSN"
f_sConnString = "SELECT * FROM products" f_oRS.Open(f_sSQLString, f_sConnString, 3, 3)
f_oRS.Filter = "UnitPrice < $10.00"
Do While Not f_oRS.EOF Response.Write(objRS("ProductID") & "<br>") f_oRS.MoveNext Loop
f_oRS.Filter = adFilterNone
f_oRS.Filter = "SupplierID = 10"
Do While Not f_oRS.EOF Response.Write(f_oRS("CategoryID") & "<br>") f_oRS.MoveNext Loop f_oRS.Close Set f_oRS = Nothing %>
Database: JET
asp, database, JET
<% f_sConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\mydatabase.mdb" %>
Database: ODBC
asp, database, ODBC, connection string
<% f_sConnString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=SQL01;Database=products;Uid=sa;Pwd=111111;" %>
Database: Recordset
asp, database, recordset, eof, MoveNext, DSN, ADODB
<% Dim f_oConn Dim f_oRS Dim f_sSQLString
Set f_oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") f_oConn.Open("storeDSN")
f_sSQLString = "SELECT * FROM products" Set f_oRS = f_oConn.Execute(f_sSQLString)
While Not f_oRS.EOF Response.Write f_oRS("product_name") & "<br>" f_oRS.MoveNext Wend
f_oRS.Close f_oConn.Close
Set f_oRS = Nothing Set f_oConn = Nothing %>
<% Dim f_oRS Dim f_sConnString Dim f_sSQLString
Set f_oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strConnect = "DSN=myDSN"
f_sConnString = "SELECT * FROM products" f_oRS.Open(f_sSQLString, f_sConnString)
Set f_oRS = Nothing %>
<% Dim f_oConn Dim f_oRS
Set f_oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") f_oConn.Open("myDSN")
Set f_oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") f_oRS.Open "products", f_oConn, 0, 1, 2
While Not f_oRS.EOF Response.Write(f_oRS("product_name") & "<br>") f_oRS.MoveNext Wend
f_oRS.Close f_oConn.Close
Set f_oRS = Nothing Set f_oConn = Nothing %>
Database: Row Color
asp, database, row color, RecordCount
<table> <% Dim f_oRS Dim f_iRecordCount : f_iRecordCount = 0
Do While Not f_oRS.EOF If f_iRecordCount Mod 2 = 0 Then %> <tr> <td><%= f_oRS("partnumber") %></td> <td><%= f_oRS("manufacturer") %></td> <td><%= f_oRS("category") %></td> </tr> <% Else %> <tr bgcolor="#d0d0d0"> <td><%= f_oRS("partnumber") %></td> <td><%= f_oRS("manufacturer") %></td> <td><%= f_oRS("category") %></td> </tr> <% End If
f_iRecordCount = f_iRecordCount + 1
f_oRS.MoveNext Loop %> </table>
Database: Transaction
asp, objectcontext, Transaction, abort, commit
<%@ TRANSACTION = Required %>
<% Dim f_sText : f_sText = Request.Form("Textbox")
If f_sText = "" Then ObjectContext.SetAbort Response.write("You did not enter the text") Else Response.write("Processing transaction...") End If
Sub OnTransactionCommit() Response.Write("Operation was successful") End Sub
Sub OnTransactionAbort() Response.Write("Operation was unsuccessful") End Sub %>
Date Time Format
asp, date, time, FormatDateTime
<% Date() '3/12/2001 Now() '3/12/2001 6:57:24 AM Time() '6:57:24 AM
strDate = Now() FormatDateTime(strDate, 0) '3/12/2001 6:57:24 AM FormatDateTime(strDate, 1) 'Monday, March 12, 2001 FormatDateTime(strDate, 2) '3/12/2001 FormatDateTime(strDate, 3) '6:57:24 AM FormatDateTime(strDate, 4) '06:57 FormatDateTime(Now(),vblongdate) 'Monday, March 12, 2001
Year(strDate) '2001 Month(strDate) '3 Day(strDate) '12 Day(strDate) & "/" & Month(strDate) & "/" & Year(strDate) '12/3/2001 MonthName(Month(strDate)) 'March MonthName(Month(strDate), 1) 'Mar WeekDay(strDate) '2 WeekDayName(WeekDay(strDate)) 'Monday WeekDayName(WeekDay(strDate), 1) 'Mon Minute(strDate) '57 Second(strDate) '24 %>
Date: Calcs
asp, date, calculation, DateAdd, DateDiff
strDate = Now() '3/12/2001 6:57:24 AM
DateAdd("d", 1, strDate) '3/13/2001 6:57:24 AM
DateAdd("d", -1, strDate) '3/11/2001 6:57:24 AM
DateDiff("d", "1/1/2000", strDate) '436
'(yyyy, q, m, y, d, w, ww, h, n, s)
Dates: Format: DDMMYYYY
asp 3.0, dates, format, ddmmyyyy
strDate = Date()
&START=" & FormatDate(strDate) 'mmddyyyyy
Function FormatDate(thedate) Dim myDay Dim myMonth Dim myYear
myDay = Day(thedate) If Len(myDay)=1 Then myDay="0" & myDay
myMonth = Month(thedate) If Len(myMonth)=1 Then myMonth="0" & myMonth
myYear = Year(thedate)
FormatDate = myMonth & myDay & myYear End Function
eCommerce: Credit Card Test
asp, eCommerce, credit card, test
4111 1111 1111 1111
eCommerce: Credit Card Validate
asp, eCommerce, credit card, validate
<% Dim f_iCCNumber : f_iCCNumber = TRIM(Request("ccnumber")) Dim f_dCCExpires : f_dCCExpires = TRIM(Request("ccexpires"))
If Not validCCNumber(f_iCCNumber) Then Response.Write "Invalid Credit Card Number." Else Response.Write "Valid Credit Card Number." End If
If Not isDATE(f_dCCExpires) Then Response.Write "Invalid expiration date." Else Response.Write "Valid expiration date." End If
Function validCCNumber(ccnumber) ccnumber = CleanCCNum(ccnumber) If ccnumber = "" Then validCCNumber = False Else isEven = False digits = "" For i = Len(ccnumber) To 1 Step -1 If isEven Then digits = digits & CINT(MID(ccnumber, i, 1)) * 2 Else digits = digits & CINT(MID(ccnumber, i, 1)) End If isEven = (Not isEven) Next checkSum = 0 For i = 1 To Len(digits) Step 1 checkSum = checkSum + CINT(MID(digits, i, 1 )) Next validCCNumber = ((checkSum Mod 10) = 0) End If End Function
Function CleanCCNum(ccnumber) For i = 1 To Len(ccnumber) If isNumeric(MID(ccnumber, i, 1)) Then CleanCCNum = CleanCCNum & MID(ccnumber, i, 1) End If Next End Function %>
eCommerce: Session Cart
asp, eCommerce, session, cart, shopping cart, constant
If Not isArray(Session("cart")) Then Dim localCart(4, 10) Else localCart = Session("cart") End If
m_iProductID = Request("ProductID") m_sProductName = Request("ProductName") m_cProductPrice = Request("ProductPrice") m_iProductQty = Request("ProductQty")
For i = 0 To Ubound(localCart, 2) If localCart(CARTPID, i) = "" Then localCart(CARTPID, i) = m_iProductID localCart(CARTNAME, i) = m_sProductName localCart(CARTPRICE, i) = m_cProductPrice localCart(CARTQTY, i) = m_iProductQty Exit For End IF Next
For i = 0 To Ubound(localCart, 2) If localCart(CARTPID, i) <> "" Then Response.Write localCart(CARTPID, i) & "<br>" Response.Write localCart(CARTNAME, i) & "<br>" Response.Write localCart(CARTPRICE, i) & "<br>" Response.Write localCart(CARTQTY, i) & "<br><br>" End If Next
Session("cart") = localCart %>
eCommerce: Shipping
asp, eCommerce, shipping
'UPS OLD: http://wwwapps.ups.com/tracking/tracking.cgi?TrackNum=" & Trim(RS("tracking")) NEW: http://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processInputRequest?TypeOfInquiryNumber= T&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&InquiryNumber1=
'FedEx "http://www.fedex.com/us/tracking/"
'Priority/Express "http://www.usps.com/cttgate"
Email: CDO
asp, email, cdo
<% Set f_oMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With f_oMail .To = "test@test.com" .From = Request.Form("email_from") .Subject = "E-Mail Test" .HtmlBody = Request.Form("email_body") .Send End With
Set f_oMail = Nothing %>
Email: CDO Config
asp, email, cdo, config
<% <!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D" NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" --> <!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" NAME="ADODB Type Library" -->
Dim f_oCDO Dim f_oConfig
Set f_oCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDO.MESSAGE") Set f_oConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
f_oConfig.Fields(cdoSendUsingMethod) = 2 f_oConfig.Fields(cdoSMTPServer) = "mail.domain.com" f_oConfig.Fields(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25 f_oConfig.Fields(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoBasic
f_oConfig.Fields.Update Set f_oCDO.Configuration = f_oConfig
If IsObject(f_oCDO) Then With f_oCDO .To = "test@yahoo.com" .From = "test@hotmail.com" .Subject = "Test 123" .HTMLBody = "This is a test." .Send End With Else Response.Write("no object") End If
Set f_oCDO = Nothing Set f_oConfig = Nothing %>
Email: CDO Constants
asp, email, cdo, constants
<% ' CDONTS Attachment.Type values Const CdoFileData = 1 Const CdoEmbeddedMessage = 4
' CDONTS Message.Importance Values. Also used in NewMail.Importance Const CdoLow = 0 Const CdoNormal = 1 Const CdoHigh = 2
' CDONTS Message.MessageFormat and Session.MessageFormat Values Const CdoMime = 0 Const CdoText = 1
' CDONTS NewMail.AttachFile and NewMail.AttachURL EncodingMethod Values Const CdoEncodingUUencode = 0 Const CdoEncodingBase64 = 1
' CDONTS NewMail.BodyFormat Values Const CdoBodyFormatHTML = 0 Const CdoBodyFormatText = 1
' CDONTS NewMail.MailFormat Values Const CdoMailFormatMime = 0 Const CdoMailFormatText = 1
' CDONTS Recipient.Type Values Const CdoTo = 1 Const CdoCc = 2 Const CdoBcc = 3
' CDONTS Session.GetDefaultFolder Values Const CdoDefaultFolderInbox = 1 Const CdoDefaultFolderOutbox = 2 %>
asp, email, CDONTS
<% Set f_oMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
With f_oMail .From = Request.Form("email_from") .To = "test@test.com" .CC = "test@test.com" .Subject = "E-Mail Test" .MailFormat = 0 .BodyFormat = 0 .Body = Request.Form("email_body") .Send End With
Set f_oMail = Nothing %>
Email: JMail
asp, email, jmail
<% Set f_oJMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.smtpmail")
With f_oJMail .ServerAddress = "mail.test.com:25" .Sender = Request.Form("email_from") .Subject = "Feedback" .AddRecipient = "info@test.com" .Body = "need info" .Execute End With
Set f_oJMail = Nothing %>
Error Object
asp, error object
<% For Each objErr In f_oConn.Error Response.Write("<p>") Response.Write("Description: ") Response.Write(objErr.Description & "<br/>") Response.Write("</p>") Next %>
Error Object: GetLastError
asp, error object, GetLastError
<% Dim objErrorInfo Set objErrorInfo = Server.GetLastError
Response.Write("ASPCode = " & objErrorInfo.ASPCode) Response.Write("ASPDescription = " & objErrorInfo.ASPDescription) Response.Write("Category = " & objErrorInfo.Category) Response.Write("Column = " & objErrorInfo.Column) Response.Write("Description = " & objErrorInfo.Description) Response.Write("File = " & objErrorInfo.File) Response.Write("Line = " & objErrorInfo.Line) Response.Write("Number = " & objErrorInfo.Number) Response.Write("Source = " & objErrorInfo.Source) %>
Error: Response Buffer Limit Exceeded
asp, error, Response Buffer Limit Exceeded
The reason this is happening is because buffering is turned on by default, and IIS 6 cannot handle the large response.
In Classic ASP, at the top of your page, after <%@Language="VBScript"%> add: <%Response.Buffer = False%>
In ASP.NET, you would add Buffer="False" to your Page directive. For example: <%@Page Language="C#" Buffer="False"%>
Fields Count
asp, fields, count
<% Response.Write("<br>" & f_oRS.Fields.Count & "<br>") %>
Fields Names
asp, field, names
<% For i = 0 To f_oRS.Fields.Count - 1 Response.Write f_oRS.Fields(i).Name Next %>
File: Create
asp, file, create, FileSystemObject
<% Set f_oFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set f_oTextFile = f_oFile.CreateTextFile("e:\websites\test\test.txt")
f_oTextFile.Close Set f_oFile = Nothing %>
File: Include
asp, include file, virtual
<% <!-- #include file="functions.inc" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/inc/functions.inc" --> %>
File: List
asp, file, list, FileSystemObject
<% Set f_oFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f_oFolder = f_oFile.GetFolder("e:\websites\test\asp")
For Each f_oFile In f_oFolder.Files Response.Write f_oFile.Name & "<br>" Next
Set f_oFile = Nothing Set f_oFolder = Nothing %>
File: Modify
asp, file, modify, FileSystemObject
<% Set f_oFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If f_oFile.FileExists("e:\websites\test\test.txt") Then Set f_oTextFile = f_oFile.OpenTextFile("e:\websites\test\test.txt")
f_oTextFile.WriteBlankLines(2) f_oTextFile.WriteLine("Hello again")
f_oTextFile.Close End If
Set f_oFile = Nothing %>
File: Move
asp, file, move, FileSystemObject
<% Set f_oFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If f_oFile.FileExists("e:\test\test.asp") Then f_oFile.MoveFile "e:\test\test.asp", "e:\test\move\test_copy.asp" End If
Set f_oFile = Nothing %>
File: Read
asp, file, read, FileSystemObject
<% Set f_oFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f_oTextFile = f_oFile.OpenTextFile("e:\websites\counter.txt")
While Not f_oTextFile.AtEndOfStream Response.Write f_oTextFile.ReadLine Wend
f_oTextFile.Close Set f_oFile = Nothing %>
asp, GUID, randomize
<% Function GetGUID() ' Returns a GUID (globally unique identifier), 16 byte hexadecimal ' Example GetGUID = 494F1BF1-B507-9F72-BEBC-289A189FD2B3
Dim f_sTmp, f_Char Dim f_iRnd, i
Randomize() For i = 1 To 32 f_iRnd = Int(Rnd * 100) Mod 16 If f_iRnd > 9 Then Select Case f_iRnd Case 10 f_Char = "A" Case 11 f_Char = "B" Case 12 f_Char = "C" Case 13 f_Char = "D" Case 14 f_Char = "E" Case 15 f_Char = "F" End Select Else f_Char = Left(f_iRnd, 1) End If f_sTmp = f_sTmp & f_Char Next
GetGUID = Left(f_sTmp, 8) & "-" & Mid(f_sTmp, 9, 4) & "-" & Mid(f_sTmp, 13, 4) & "-" & Mid(f_sTmp, 17, 4) & "-" & Mid(f_sTmp, 21, 12) End Function %>
Hit Counter
asp, hit counter
<% Sub HitCounter_Set() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Increments the site hit counter. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim f_oFile Dim f_sFilePath Dim f_oReadFile Dim f_iHits Dim f_oWriteFile
Set f_oFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f_sFilePath = Server.MapPath("mcv_counter.txt") ' Open file Set f_oReadFile = f_oFile.OpenTextFile(f_sFilePath, 1, True)
' Read file (hits) If Not f_oReadFile.AtEndOfStream Then f_iHits = Trim(f_oReadFile.ReadLine) If f_iHits = "" Then f_iHits = 0 Else f_iHits = 0 End If
f_oReadFile.Close Set f_oReadFile = Nothing f_iHits = f_iHits + 1 ' Write file Set f_oWriteFile = f_oFile.CreateTextFile(f_sFilePath, True) f_oWriteFile.WriteLine(f_iHits) f_oWriteFile.Close Set f_oWriteFile = Nothing
Set f_oFile = Nothing End Sub %>
asp, IIF, immediate if
<% Dim f_bRet : f_bRet = False Dim f_iNumber : f_iNumber = 2
f_bRet = IIf(f_iNumber = 2, True, False)
Public Function IIf(blnExpression, vTrueResult, vFalseResult) If blnExpression Then IIf = vTrueResult Else IIf = vFalseResult End If End Function %>
No Cache
asp, no cache, CacheControl
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
Response.Expires = -1
asp, randomize
<% Randomize() Response.Write Rnd %>
Request Object
asp, request, REMOTE_ADDR, Request.Form
<% Dim f_sCompanyName : f_sCompanyName = Request.Form("CompanyName")
Dim f_sCompanyPhone : f_sCompanyPhone = Request.Querystring("CompanyPhone")
Dim f_sUserName : f_sUserName = Request.Cookies("UserName")
Dim f_sIPAddress : f_sIPAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") %>
<% If Request.Form.Count <> 0 Then Response.Write "Form submitted" End If %>
<% ' Grab All Sub ReadFormVariables() For Each Field In Request.Form TheString = Field & " = " & Request.Form("" & Field & "") Execute(TheString) Next End Sub %>
Response Object
asp, response object
<% Response.Cookies("UserName") = "cjanco"
Response.Buffer = True
Response.Expires = 0
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = #December 3, 1998# %>
asp, ScriptEngine, version
<%= ScriptEngine %> <%= ScriptEngineMajorVersion %> <%= ScriptEngineMinorVersion %>
Select/Dropdown: Database: Selected
asp, select, dropdown, selected, database
<% Function Selected(val1, val2) If Cstr(val1) = Cstr(val2) Then Selected = "SELECTED" Else Selected = "" End If End Function %>
<select name="color"> <option value="red" <%= Selected(v_sColor, "red") %>>Red</option> <option value="green" <%= Selected(v_sColor, "green") %>>Green</option> <option value="blue" <%= Selected(v_sColor, "blue") %>>Blue</option> </select>
Server Object
asp, server object, HTMLEncode, CreateObject, ServerVariables
<% Set f_oFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Response.Write Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO"))
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(rs.Fields("my_field"))
Dim aValue : aValue = "red & green" Dim f_sPath : f_sPath = "my.asp?a=" & Server.URLEncode(aValue) %>
Server Variables
<% f_sReferer = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") f_sPhysicalPath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") E:\websites\test\ f_sPath = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED") E:\websites\test\test.asp f_sHost = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") www.charlesjanco.com f_sIPLocal = Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR") f_sIPRemote = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
For Each TheStuff In Request.ServerVariables Response.Write TheStuff & ": " _ & Request.Servervariables(TheStuff) & "<br>" Next %>
Session Array
asp, session, array
<% Dim Customer(3) Customer(0) = Request.Form("firstName") Customer(1) = Request.Form("lastName")
Session("Customer") = Customer
' Add to Array later Customer = Session("Customer") Customer(2) = Request.Form("address") Customer(3) = Request.Form("city") Session("Customer") = Customer
Response.Write Session("Customer")(0) %>
Session Object
asp, session object, timeout, SessionId
<% Session.Timeout = 30
Dim f_sUser : f_sUser = Session("User") Response.Write(Session.SessionID)
' German Session.CodePage = 1252
' French Francs Session.LCID = 1036 %>
String: InStr
asp, string, InStr
<% f_sUrl = "www.theonion.com"
If InStr(f_sUrl, "www") <> 0 Then Response.Write "True" End If %>
String: Len
asp, string, len, length
<% f_sEmail = Trim(Request.Form("email"))
f_iCharCount = Len(f_sEmail)
If f_iCharCount >= 25 Then f_sEmail = Left(f_sEmail, 25) & "..." End If
Response.Write f_sEmail %>
String: Position
asp, string, position, left, right, middle
<% f_sName = "Cherokee"
'Left f_sName = Left(f_sName, 2) '(Ch)
'Right f_sName = Right(f_sName, 3) '(kee)
'Middle f_sName = Right(f_sName, 3, 3) '(ero) %>
String: Regular Expression
asp, regular expression, RegExp, pattern
<% 'Test Method f_sString = "Here is a link www.link.com"
Set f_oRegExpr = New RegExp
With f_oRegExpr .Pattern = ".com" .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True End With
f_sExpressionMatch = f_oRegExpr.Test(f_sString)
If f_sExpressionMatch Then Response.Write(f_oRegExpr.Pattern & " was found") Else Response.Write(f_oRegExpr.Pattern & " was not found") End If
Set f_oRegExpr = Nothing %>
String: Regular Expression: Email
asp, string, regular expression, validation, email, RegExp
<% Function RegExp_Email(sEmail) ' As boolean ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Validate email address. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' RegExp_Email = False Dim f_oRegEx Dim f_bRet Set f_oRegEx = New RegExp
f_oRegEx.Pattern = "^[\w-\.]{1,}\@([\da-zA-Z-]{1,}\.){1,}[\da-zA-Z-]{2,3}$"
f_oRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
f_bRet = f_oRegEx.Test(sEmail)
If Not f_bRet Then Exit Function End If
RegExp_Email = True End Function
f_bRet = RegExp_Email(Cstr(m_sToEmail)) If f_bRet <> True Then m_sError = "Please enter a valid 'To' address." Else Call Message_Send() End If %>
String: Regular Expression: Match
asp, string, regular expression, pattern
<% ' Execute method f_sString = "This website contains lots of information about" &_ "ASP, asp, as well as Asp."
Set f_oRegExpr = New RegExp
With f_oRegExpr .Pattern = "ASP" .IgnoreCase = False .Global = True End With
Set f_sExpressionMatch = f_oRegExpr.Execute(f_sString)
If f_sExpressionMatch.Count > 0 Then For Each matched in f_sExpressionMatch Response.Write(matched.Value & " matched at position " & matched.FirstIndex) Next Else Response.Write(f_oRegExpr.Pattern & " was not found in the string: " & f_sString) End If
Set f_oRegExpr = Nothing %>
String: Replace
asp, string, replace, fix quotes
<% 'Line Breaks f_sMemo = Request.Form("memo") f_sMemo = Replace(f_sMemo, chr(13), "<br>")
f_sMemo = Replace(f_sMemo, vbLf, " ")
f_sMemo = Replace(f_sMemo, vbCr, " ")
'Tabs f_sMemo = Replace(f_sMemo, vbTab, " ")
'Single Quotes f_sMemo = Replace(f_sMemo, "'", "'")
'Single Quotes Function FixQuotes(theString) FixQuotes = Replace(theString, "'", "''") End Function %>
Submit Loop
asp, submit, loop
'Loop through entered values.
v_sAction = Request.Form("action")
If Ucase(v_sAction) = "GO" Then Call MyFunction()
Function MyFunction() For iNameServer = 1 To 4 If Request.Form( "name_server" & iNameServer ) <> "" Then Response.Write iNameServer & Request.Form( "name_server" & iNameServer ) End If Next End Function %>
<form action="test.asp" method="post" name="form1"> <input type="text" size="20" name="name_server1"> <input type="text" size="20" name="name_server2"> <input type="text" size="20" name="name_server3"> <input type="text" size="20" name="name_server4"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="go"> <input type="submit" value="click"> </form>
Type Library
asp, type library, COM, TypeLib
A Type Library is a container for the contents of a DLL file corresponding to a COM object. By including a call to the TypeLibrary in the Global.asa file, the constants of the COM object can be accessed, and errors can be better reported by the ASP code. If your Web application relies on COM objects that have declared data types in type libraries, you can declare the type libraries in Global.asa.
<!-- METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" file="filename" uuid="typelibraryuuid" version="versionnumber" lcid="localeid" -->
Wait Page
asp, wait page
<script language="JavaScript">
// wait screen
var ns4 = true;
var ie4 = true;
function showObject(obj)
if (ns4) obj.visibility = "show";
else if (ie4) obj.visibility = "visible";
function hideObject(obj)
if (ns4)
obj.visibility = "hide";
if (ie4)
obj.visibility = "hidden";
// -->
<div id="splashScreen" style="position:absolute;z-index:5;top:30%;left:35%;">
<table bgcolor="#000000" border="1" bordercolor="#E0E4F1" height="200" width="300">
<td width"=100%" height="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff" align="center" valign="middle">
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" style="font-size:13.5px" color="#336699">
<b>Order processing. Please wait...</b>
<img src="../images/icons/wait.gif" border="1" width="75" height="15">
<% Response.Flush %>
' All processing and content here...
<script language="JavaScript">
var splash = document.splashScreen;
else if(ie4)
var splash = document.all.splashScreen.style;
// -->